The Unforgiving Nature of Natalism

Hey, ever heard about natalism? It’s a term that you may have come across, or it’s a new one on your radar. Don’t worry, we’re going to dive into it. Natalism, in layman’s terms, is society’s encouragement (or pressure) for humans to reproduce.

Look at this picture – a playground full of action. It’s alive with kids running about, parents looking on, an echo of laughter in the air. Now, see that lone bench on the side, empty and quiet? That’s kind of how it feels for folks without kids in a society big on natalism.

The Natalist Society We Live In

In our culture, for reasons historical, religious, or otherwise, natalism is a big deal. It’s tucked away in the corners of our everyday life, in tax breaks for families with kids, and “perfect” family images in advertisements. You must have felt it in some way or another. That family get-together where your aunt casually dropped the “when are you having kids?” bomb? Or the lunch break where colleagues shared stories about their kids, and you felt a tiny bit left out?

Consider this image – a couple at a gathering, surrounded by the cheerful hum of families. They look a bit off – perhaps they’ve chosen not to have kids, maybe they can’t, or they’re just not ready. The point is, they’re feeling the edges of the natalist society we’re talking about.

Everyone’s Journey is Unique

Here’s the kicker: Life doesn’t come with a rule book. Choosing to have kids is personal, and not everybody’s timeline includes it. But that doesn’t make their lives less meaningful or their journey any less rich. Different is just that – different, not deficient.

Society could use a broader perspective, celebrating all life paths, not just those that involve having kids. It’s about time we lift the weight of guilt or the feeling of being “less than” for those who don’t have children.

Look at this snapshot – a bunch of friends having a great time at a park picnic. Some may be parents, and others may not. The point is – does it really matter? They’re just folks, leading their lives, taking different routes, but finding joy in their shared journey. It’s an image that questions the ‘typical’ family narrative and reminds us there are countless ways to find fulfillment.

Time to Change the Conversation

Let’s mix it up, challenge the status quo, and maybe, we can make natalism a bit more forgiving, a bit more accepting of the beautiful and varied paths life offers. Because, at the end of the day, a meaningful life isn’t about checking boxes like having kids, but the cumulative richness of experiences, relationships, and the happiness we find in our individual journeys.


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